Orientation Program Day 5, Session 1, 07.09.2023: Harmony in Self

The Student Induction and Orientation Programme for the First Year Students 2023-2024 has been conducted on 07.09.2023 at 9.15am to 11.am in Seminar Hall I Lt. Dr.J.Jagadeeshwarraj, Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, PSGIMSR, Coimbatore, was the Resource Person, Dr. V. Chitra, HOD/S&H, was the convener; / Dr.Velusamy P, PD, was the Coordinator for the program and delivered the Welcome and the Vote of Thanks for the session. The session was highlighted by the topic “Youth Development and Nation Building”, The Resource Person has given the justification to his topic. He has clearly portrayed the challenges of day-to-day life and how to overcome from additions. Elaborately created the awareness of social and self-dependence.