Guest Lecture on “Exploring the Architecture of Modern Processors: Design Essentials”


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology organized a Guest Lecture on 25.04.2024. This
guest lecture titled, “Exploring the Architecture of Modern Processors: Design
Essentials” provided an insightful journey into the intricacies of computer engineering,
focusing on the essential elements that define the architecture of modern processors.
Dr. S. Oswalt Manoj, Associate Professor from Sri Krishna College of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore, delivered the lecture. The session began with an introduction
to basics of computer architecture, different processor architectures and specific
aspects of modern processor design such as instruction set architecture, pipeline
architecture, cache memory hierarchy, power management, security features, and
future trends. This guest lecture helped enhancing students’ understanding of modern
processor architecture and its implications in computer engineering. Fifty students of
Electronics and Communication Engineering participated in this program and got