Orientation Program Day 5, Session 1, 07.09.2023: How to Mold Yourself into an Extraordinary Engineer

Dr. P. S. Prakash, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science, SRIT, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Resource Person. Resource person Dr.S.N.Sivanandam addressed the first year B.E CSE students of the academic year 2023-2024. He discussed about moulding the students into extraordinary engineers. Dr.S.N.Sivanandham shared his life experience working at PSG College of technology for about 28 years in Department of EEE. He also gave information’s and details about great scholars like Ramanujan and Abdul Kalam. He motivated the students to work hard and have a specific goal. The session was interactive and useful. Programme ends with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr.Karthikeyan, Assistant professor, Department of Science and Humanities,SRIT.