IETE Students Forum (ISF) Seminar on “Low code, No code platform”

IETE Students Forum (ISF) in association with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology organized a Seminar on “Low code, No code platform” on 18.08.2023, Friday . The venue was Seminar hall 2 of Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology. The resource person for this program was Ms Senthamarai.K, Mahat Labs pvt ltd., Coimbatore. Dr. A.N. Jayanthi, IETE Students Forum Coordinator and Associate Professor/ECE welcomed the gathering. Mr. S. Munaf, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr)/ECE introduced the resource person. The resource person gave clear concepts and compared the high code, low code and no code platforms. She also briefed the students about the usage of the platform and the scope of projects that can be carried out in this area. Students interacted with the resource person and clarified their doubts. Ms. A.K. Kavitha, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr) /ECE proposed the vote of thanks. Around 50 students from Third year ECE took part in this program and got benefited.