Journal Publication
JAYANTHI A N, S.Munaf, A.Bharathi,"A Review on Performance Optimization Techniques in Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Multimedia applications", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET), 7(11), pp.1, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, J.Mala,"A systematic approach to Secure Accessing of data Using CP-ABE And Multifactor Authentication In Cloud", International Journal of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR), 7(9), pp.1, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, D.Pavithra,"An improved adaptive neuro fuzzy interference system for the detection of autism spectrum disorder", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1(1), pp.1, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, L.Malathi,A.Bharathi,"FPGA Implementation in Robust FFT Architecture for Signal Processing Applications", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 9(8), pp.325-330, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, Rajesh S,"Black hole Attack Eradication by Scheduled Base station using Leach protocol", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD) , 8(4), pp.305-307, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, M.Karthigeyan , C.Jotheeswaran , M.Logeshkumar,"Virtual Eye for the Blind - A Smart Guiding Device for the Blind", International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET),, 9(5), pp.3225-3232, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, P.RiniEmaculate , V.Shanmugapriya , V.Sarmila,"Fault Detection in Transmission Line Distribution System", International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET),, 9(5), pp.2930-2935, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, Pavithra D.Nidhya R,"Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Effective Autism Diagnosis. In: Reddy V., Prasad V., Wang J., Reddy K. (eds) Soft Computing and Signal Proc", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,, 1118(1), pp.629-637 , 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, PF KhaleelurRahiman,VSJayanthi,"Speech enhancement method using deep learning approachfor hearing-impaired listeners", Health Informatics Journal, 1(1), pp.1-19, 2020.
JAYANTHI A N, S.Rajesh,J.Mala,"Certain investigations on Hierarchical routing leach Protocol", International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education(IJARIEE),, 5(3), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, S.Munaf, Dr.A.Bharathi,"An Enhanced Low Power Dual Data Injection Technique for Coarse - Grained Reconfigurable Architecture", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE),, 9(2), pp.4421 – 4424, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, Jim Mathew Philip,N.S.Kavitha,"Survey of Channel Allocation Techniques in Mobile Cellular Networks", International Journal Of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR), 6(2), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, L.Malathi,Dr.A.Bharathi,"FPGA Implementation of Area Efficient CMOS Multiplier using Fast Kogge Stone Look Ahead Logarithmic Adder", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), pp.8445-8449, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, Geetha.P, Jayanthi V S,,"Multiple share creation based visual cryptographic scheme using diffusion method with a combination of chaotic maps for multimedia applications", Multimedia Tools and Applications,, 78(13), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, S. Rajesh, P. Parameswari,"Black Hole Attack Minimization using Leach Protocol", International Journal for Scientific Research & Development IJSRD , 7(9), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, S.Munaf,Dr.A.Bharathi,,"Performance Improvement Technique In Divide-By-2/3 Counter Using Static Flipflop", International Journal Of AdvanceResearch And Innovative Ideas In Education(IJARIIE), 5(3), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, L.Malathi,Dr.A.Bharathi,"Review on Fast Complex Multiplication Algorithms And Implementation", International Journal of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR),, 6(5), pp.22-27, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, B.Leena,"Certain investigations on change detection in SAR images based on NSCT and spatial fuzzy clustering approach", International journal for science and advance research in technology, 5(5), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, J.Mala,S.Rajesh,"A Survey on Secure Data Accessing and Sharing Using Cryptographic Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment", International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, 2(3), pp.1, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, C. Nareshkumar, S. Rajesh, S. Sathish Kumar, K.Vazhagurunathan,"Fruit Quality Inspection System Using Image Processing", Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(10), pp.260-263, 2019.
JAYANTHI A N, Rajesh, S.HebzibaJeba Rani, R.Priyadharshini ,"Dynamism Proficient Routing Protocol to Elude Suspension in Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey", International Journal of Research in Electronics And Computer Engineering(IJRECE), 6(3), pp.429-432, 2018.
JAYANTHI A N, Geetha.P, Jayanthi V S,,"Optimal Visual Cryptographic Scheme with multiple share creation for Multimedia Applications", Computers&Security,Elsevier , 78(1), pp.301-320, 2018.
JAYANTHI A N, Pavithra D,"A Study on Machine Learning Algorithm In Medical Diagnosis", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 9(4), pp.42-46, 2018.
JAYANTHI A N, Baskar.D,Jayanthi V S,"An efficient classification approach for detection of Alzheimer’s disease from biomedical imaging modalities”, “Multimedia Tools and Application", An International Journal, 78(10), pp.12883-12915, 2018.
JAYANTHI A N, B.Leena,"Detecting interesting events in crowd sequence using Swarm Intelligence", International Journal for Research and Development in Technology, 9(3), pp.9-11, 2018.
JAYANTHI A N, Baskar Duraisamy, Jayanthi Venkatraman Shanmugam ,"Alzheimer disease detection from structural MR images using FCM based weighted probabilistic neural network ", Brain Imaging and Behavior, 12(1), pp. 1-26, 2018.
JAYANTHI A N, L.Malathi,S.Munaf,Dr.A.Bharathi,"FPGA Implementation of Compressing Techniques in VLSI Multipliers for FFT Architectures", International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research(IJCESR),, 4(11), pp.68-72, 2017.
JAYANTHI A N, S.Munaf, M.E., L. Malathi,Dr.A.Bharahi,"Review on Power Dissipation Analysis of Conventional SRAM Cell Architecture", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology , 6(11), pp.1, 2017.
JAYANTHI A N, Rajesh , Mala,"International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer ", Comparison of TDMA based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks- A Survey, 6(8), pp.1, 2017.
JAYANTHI A N, P. Radhika ,"Quickest and Efficient Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks", Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 11(8), pp.567-575, 2017.
JAYANTHI A N, L.Malathi,Dr.A.Bharathi,Mr. S. Munaf ,"Design of Fast Integer Pipelined Multipliers for CMOS 64-bit Synchronous and Asynchronous Logic with Adaptable Latency", International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(1), pp.1, 2017.
JAYANTHI A N, S. Munaf,L.Malathi,"Automatic RF Alert system to Avoid Vehicle Accident and Rescue using Wireless Control Techniques ", International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(1), pp.1, 2017.
JAYANTHI A N, S.Munaf , Dr.A.Bharathi,"Double pumping low power technique for coarse grained reconfigurable architecture", International Journal of Electrical and Electronics research, 4(10), pp.110-1, 2016.
JAYANTHI A N, M Nithya,Sunil Prasad ,"’Redundancy in Tunneling between different networks ", International Journal of Digital Communication Networks , 2(4), pp.123-1, 2015.
JAYANTHI A N, D.Prabhu, B.Sibiram ,"’Low power ECRL logic based parallel self-timed adder ", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(6), pp.12494, 2015.
JAYANTHI A N, R Nivedha,C Vani,"GALVANIC SKIN RESPONSE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS’", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(16), pp.12447, 2015.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Performance optimization of Carry Select Adders using Variable Latency design style", Journal of Scientific and Industrial research, 73(may), pp.290-2, 2014.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Minimization of Area in Carry Select Adder", CiiT international Journal of DSP, 10(2), pp.11-15, 2013.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Comparison of Performance of High Speed VLSI Adders’", IEEE Xplore, 10(2), pp.11-15, 2013.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Delay Optimisation In High-Performance Carry-Select Adders", Australian Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences, 7(9), pp.206-2, 2013.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Performance Comparison of High Speed VLSI Adders", Journal of Engg and Applied Science, 60(1), pp.65-79, 2013.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Comparison of High Speed VLSI Adders’", Archives Des Sciences, 65(11), pp.280-2, 2012.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Design of an Error Tolerant Adder", American Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(6), pp.818-8, 2012.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"An Energy Efficient Layered Decoding Architecture for LDPC Decoder", CiiT International Journal, 3(5), pp.250-2, 2011.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Variable Input Delay CMOS Logic for D Latch Circuit’", International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Science and Engineering, 4(2), pp.68-72, 2011.
JAYANTHI A N, Ravichandran, CS,"Design of a High Speed BCD Adder", European Journal of Scientific Research, 60(3), pp.422-4, 2011.