Conference Publication
KAVITHA A K, R.Vanitha,"Vertical Handoff Using LTE", National E-Conference on "Communication, Computation, Control and Automation" (CCCA-2020),Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore , 2020.
KAVITHA A K, R. Hari Shangar, M.Kavin, V.Mahendiran, K.Mohan Prasanth,"Public Buses Status System", International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Systems (CELICS’18),Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2018.
KAVITHA A K, Mohan Prabhu, KKK Gokulnath, Aswin,"IoT based Industrial Monitoring System", National Conference on Emerging Technology in Computing Sciences (NCETCS ’17) ,SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore , 2017.
KAVITHA A K, Ayyappadass, Geethapriya ,Vinitha, Dr. Mary Praveena,"Performance Analysis of Adaptive Algorithm in Future Cellular Networks", International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems,Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, 2017.
KAVITHA A K, Dr.K.Sheela Sobana Rani,"Performance Analysis of SDH Network Management System using DWDM Technique", in International Conference on Latest trends in Engineering Science and Management,Pune, 2015.
KAVITHA A K, V.Ganesh, N.Sunil Prasad,"Detection of Human behind the barrier using an X-band radar", Fourth National Conference on Communication, Computation, Control and Automation (CCCA 2014),SRIT, 2014.
KAVITHA A K, Dr.S.Mary Praveena, Dr.Ila Vennila,"Design of wavelet based image fusion using ATrous algorithm", 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS’14) ,Karunya University, Coimbatore, 2014.
KAVITHA A K, Dr.S.Mary Praveena, Dr.Ila Vennila,"Investigation on Multi-focus images using block based feature level method", Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC-2013,Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kerala in association with IEEE Kerala section , 2013.
KAVITHA A K, Dr.A.Pushparagavan,"Dispersion effects and splitting loss analysis on 10 Gbps TDM-PON", National Conference on Electronics Systemics and Cybernetics,PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, 2008.
KAVITHA A K, Dr.A.Pushparagavan,"Q-Factor and bit error rate analysis on 10 Gbps TDM-Passive optical Network", Third National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security,Bannari Amman institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam , 2008.
KAVITHA A K, Dr.A.Pushparagavan,"Downstream Link power estimation on 10 Gbps TDM-PON for DBA scheme", International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics,at Pentagram Research Center, Hyderabad , 2008.