Specialization: Digital Image Processing, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

E-mail ID:
Type Degree Specialization Year Institution University
PhD Ph.D Digital Image Processing 2013 Government College of Technology Anna UIniversity, Chennai
PG M.E Applied Electronics 2005 Government College of Technology Anna University

Journals: 13
Conferences: 13
Books: 0
Scopus ID: 35809859000
ORCID: 0000-0003-1704-685X

h-index(Scopus): 0
h-index(Google Scholar): 5
Citation Index: 0

RG Score: 8.46

Google Scholar:

Research Gate:

Patents: 0
PG Projects: 2
Doctoral Scholars: 11
Designation: Professor
Department: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Programme: Engineering and Technology
Faculty Type: UG

Appointment: Full Time
Appointment Type: Regular

Date of Joining: 27/06/2005
Dr. Radhakrishnan award for academic excellence awarded by SRIT Alumni association on 26/01/2015
Silver Award awarded by International Innovation, Creativity and Technology Exhibition(i2Create 2019) on 12/04/2019
Award from Norton University awarded by International Innovation, Creativity and Technology Exhibition(i2Create 2019) on 12/04/2019
Distinguished Woman Educator & Scholar Award awarded by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED) on 08/03/2019
Senior Educator & Scholar Award awarded by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED) on 05/09/2018
Gold award for Digital systems awarded by NPTEL on 04/10/2018
Best Senior Faculty Award awarded by DK International Research Foundation – DKIRF on 27/05/2018