Journal Publication

  1. PRADEEP BALAJI P, S. Sangeetha, D.Poornima, K.Maharaja,"Harmonic Analysis of Three phase salient pole Alternator under various loading conditions using Power Quality analyzer", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, (), pp., 2017.
  2. PRADEEP BALAJI P, MR.K.Maharaja, Ms.L.Jenifer Amla,"Intensity Based Dual Axis Solar Tracking System", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(8), pp.19457-19465, 2015.
  3. PRADEEP BALAJI P, MR.K.Maharaja,"Solar PV Fed Current Pumped Battery Charger", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , 23(9), pp.2270-2277, 2015.