Conference Publication

  1. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 0,"Design and Development of Automated Sewage Cleaning", NCAEMM-20,Coimbatore, 2020.
  2. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 0,"Design and Development of Automated Sewage Cleaning Machine", NCMM-20,Coimbatore, 2020.
  3. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Selection of Office Bearers For a Student Chapter using Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Case Study", MDMSE 2020,Coimbatore, 2020.
  4. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 0,"Selection of Student Office Bearers for a Student Chapter using Analytical Hierarchy Process: A Case Study", NCMMC 2020,Coimbatore, 2020.
  5. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Design of Rolling, Bending and Riveting Tool", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  6. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Design of Roll Bending Macine", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  7. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Solving a Simple Transportation Problem Using LINGO", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  8. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Solving a Multistage Transportation Problem Using LINGO", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  9. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Design of Cellular Layout", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  10. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Solving Supply Chain Network Design Problem Using Center of Gravity Location Model for Pump Manufacturing Industry", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  11. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Distribution Selection for Pump Manufacturing Industry", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  12. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Supply Chain Network Design for Plant Location and Selection of Capacity for Pump Manufacturing Industry", NCRTET 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  13. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Supply Chain Location Allocation in Multiple Stages and Dedicated supply", ICCMCT 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  14. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Manufacturing Facilities Layout Design", ICCMCT 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  15. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Supply Chain Design with Fixed Charge and Dedicated Facilities", ISCO 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  16. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Supply Chain Design of Location and Allocation in Multiple Stages", ISCO 2018,Coimbatore, 2018.
  17. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Aggregate Production Planning: Mixed Strategy", ICMSC 2017,Coimbatore, 2017.
  18. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Aggregate Production Planning: Level Strategy", ICMSC 2017,Coimbatore, 2017.
  19. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Aggregate Production Planning: Chase Strategy", ICMSC 2017,Coimbatore, 2017.
  20. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Solving Aggregate Planning Problem using LINGO", ISCO 2017,Coimbatore, 2017.
  21. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"LINGO Based Supply Chain Network Design", NCRTET 2016,Coimbatore, 2016.
  22. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"A Review of Mathematical Models for Supply Chain Network Design", ICAETSD,Coimbatore, 2016.
  23. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"LINGO Based Revenue Maximization using Aggregate Planning", ICAETSD,Coimbatore, 2016.
  24. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"LINGO Based Aggregate Planning", INTCOMM,Coimbatore, 2016.
  25. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Pricing and Revenue Management for Multiple Customer Segments using LINGO", ADAMMS,Coimbatore, 2015.
  26. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Pricing and Revenue Management for Perishable Assets Using LINGO", ADAMMS,Coimbatore, 2015.
  27. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Solving Supply Chain Network Optimization Models using LINGO", NAMS,Coimbatore, 2015.
  28. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Solving Supply Chain Network Gravity Location Model using LINGO", NAMS,Coimbatore, 2015.
  29. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Quality Circle - Formation and Implementation", ICEREST,Coimbatore, 2015.
  30. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 1,"Supply Chain Network Design Using LINGO", ICAETSD,Coimbatore, 2015.
  31. ANAND JAYAKUMAR A, 0,"Productivity Improvements in Stitching Section of Garment Manufacturing Industry", MISAA,Coimbatore, 2011.