Conference Publication

  1. RAJESH S, Dr.A.N.Jayanthi,J.Mala,"A Security Enhancement ", international E conference on Global Submit on Engineering and technology,SRIT,Coimbatore-10, 2020.
  2. RAJESH S, Dr.A.N.Jayanthi,J.Mala,"Improving performance of Adhoc on demand Vector Routing using Ant colony algorithm", International E-Conference on Computing, Telecommunication and Control,Shivmoga,Karnataka, 2020.
  3. RAJESH S, P.Parameswari,"Certain Investigations of Ant Colony algorithm Routing under Mobility", International conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Management(ICETREM) ,Pollachi, 2020.
  4. RAJESH S, S.Dhanya,"IOT based Smart Farming stick for Crop cultivation and Rat Eviction in Backyard Gradens", International Conference on Engineering and Technology,(ICET -2020),Erode, 2020.
  5. RAJESH S, Dr. A.N. Jayanthi, J.Mala ,"Dynamism Proficient Routing Protocol to Elude Suspension in Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey", International Conference on Engineering Technology, Science and Management Innovation (ICETSMI-2018) ,Pune, 2018.
  6. RAJESH S, Dr. A.N. Jayanthi, J.Mala , K.Senthamarai,"Comparison of TDMA based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks-A Survey", International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management,Pune , 2017.